Community & State Hospitals

This section is interested in psychological service delivery, research, program development, outcome evaluation, and systems management in public mental health settings. They treat people with serious mental illnesses and are interested in telemedicine. Their activities include promoting patient advocacy and establishing parity with medical staff in hospital settings.

Criminal Justice

This section primarily works with incarcerated individuals and administrators who operate state or federal correctional facilities and detention centers. Members of this section exchange information to provide professional support to one another on the administration, assessment, treatment, ethical issues, and training involved in this challenging line of work.

Police and Public Safety

Members of this section work with law enforcement, fire departments, nuclear regulatory agencies, emergency medical services, and other public safety entities. They are involved in selecting employees, evaluating fitness for duty, providing critical incident stress debriefing, managing mental health programs, criminal investigative analysis (profiling), and negotiating hostage situations.

Serious Mental Illness

This section promotes optimal functioning for adults with serious psychiatric disorders and children with severe emotional disorders. Members support recovery and resilience for people experiencing schizophrenia, mood disorders, and co-occurring Axis II diagnoses. They are involved in mental health administration, direct clinical care, research, policy development, and patient advocacy.


This section seeks to engage students interested in a career in public service; its members strive to connect, provide resources and create opportunities.

Veterans Affairs

Psychologists employed by the VA serve veterans across the country in a network of facilities, and includes psychologists and other stakeholders who promote our mission through patient care, research, and training. Members of this section form a national network to share ideas. The VA section is one of the most active sections in Div. 18 and is the only VA-related group open to all VA psychologists.