Criminal Justice Section Awards


The awards are presented at the Criminal Justice Section business meeting at the APA convention. They recognize psychologists and students who take an active role in furthering the field through research and clinical work.

Outstanding Psychology Student Award
This award is open to students at any stage of their graduate career (i.e., practicum students, psychology interns, and postdoctoral fellows). Nominees must have clinical and/or research experience with the criminal justice population. In addition to these experiences, nominees must have made accomplishments during his/her training that exceed expectations of his/her developmental level.

Outstanding Dissertation Award
The Outstanding Dissertation Award will be given to a person who has completed (defended) their dissertation within the last 18 months prior to the award deadline. The focus of the dissertation research should be related to the criminal justice population. Trainees who implemented any type of research (qualitative, quantitative, or theoretical) are encouraged to apply. In addition to the application requirements listed below, individuals nominated for this award also need to submit: a copy of the dissertation in either Word or PDF format and a letter of support from the dissertation advisor. The dissertation advisor does not have to be the person to nominate the trainee. The letter of support from the dissertation advisor should include: acknowledgement that the student was nominated for the award; confirmation of the date of the dissertation defense; and a brief statement of his/her support or endorsement for the student being nominated for the award.

Early Career Achievement Award
This award is open to individuals who earned their doctoral degree in psychology within the last 10 years. Nominees will have provided services to a criminal justice population in their career through clinical work and/or research. Overall, nominees will demonstrate, through their professional work, that they are dedicated to providing and improving services for those involved in the criminal justice system.

Outstanding Clinician Award
This award will be given to a psychologist who primarily provides direct clinical services to a criminal justice population and has done an outstanding job. The Awards Committee will look favorably upon those who have implemented and applied evidence based treatments to a criminal justice population; the committee is particularly interested in hearing about new and inventive clinical applications to a criminal justice population. The committee will also look favorably upon those psychologists who have worked collaboratively with others in their workplace to promote the application of appropriate clinical interventions. This award may be given to a psychologist with any number of years of experience.

Advocacy in Criminal Justice Psychology Award
This award is intended for a mid- to late-career psychologist who has a long-standing and observable dedication to advocacy in criminal justice settings and for justice-involved populations. The committee is especially interested in recognizing individuals who have been influential in improving social justice and equity through both awareness and action. The recipient is someone who is not only an unwavering voice for those who are underserved and marginalized, but they are also guided in their efforts by good science.


The nominations for the awards are open to all APA members and affiliates. However, those nominated must be members of Criminal Justice Section by the time the award is presented. Nominees do not have to be present to win the award.

How to Apply

Nominations should include the following:

  • A current CV of the nominee (within the past year).
  • A letter of nomination (one-two pages in length) describing why this nominee should be considered for the award (be sure to specify which award for whom you are nominating the individual).
  • For self-nominations, a letter of recommendation is required, as well as a one-two page narrative describing why you believe you should be considered for the award.
  • For the Dissertation Award, as mentioned earlier, you must also submit a copy of the dissertation, as well as a letter of support from the dissertation advisor that includes: acknowledgement that the student was nominated for the award; confirmation of the date of the dissertation defense; and a brief statement of his/her support or endorsement for the student being nominated for the award.

Please submit your nominations by email to Sarah Manchak by May 1, 2023.


Past Recipients

Outstanding Clinician Award: Morgan Hill, PhD
Early Career Achievement Award: Tamara Kang Balzarini, PhD
Outstanding Dissertation Award: Faith Scanlon, PhD
Outstanding Psychology Student Award: Kaylee Cook, PhD