Fellowships Committee

The Fellowship Committee oversees the nomination and selection of division fellows. Psychologist members of the division who are actively engaged in the advancement of public service psychology and who have evidenced unusual and outstanding contributions to or performance of public service psychology are eligible for fellowship recognition. Evidence for such contributions is associated with a record of accomplishments (in science and research, education and training, clinical applications, and/or administration) that demonstrates national or international impact on the practice of psychology as applicable to the public service domain (clients, institutions, systems, policy, psychologists).


Fellowship Committee Chair
Dr. Jeremy Mills


List of current Division 18 Fellows

  • Aborn, Murray
  • Alford, Joe D.
  • Arena, John G.
  • Ax, Robert K.
  • Baker, Rodney R.
  • Band, Stephen R.
  • Benjamin, G. A.
  • Blusewicz, Matthew J.
  • Boudewyns, Patrick A.
  • Breckenridge, James N.
  • Brodsky, Stanley L.
  • Brumback, Gary B.
  • Ciarlo, James A.
  • Clement, David E.
  • Coghlan, Thomas E.
  • David, Henry P.
  • DeLeon, Patrick H.
  • Dorken, Herbert O.
  • Dvoskin, Joel A.
  • Edgerton, J. Wilbert
  • Essock, Susan M.
  • Evans, Richard I.
  • Eyde, Lorraine D.
  • Fagan, Thomas J.
  • Farberow, Norman L.
  • Fischer, Gary L.
  • Flynn, Patrick M.
  • Gaither, Marci L.
  • Glass, David C.
  • Goldstein, Jacob
  • Gray, Jacque
  • Gresen, Robert C.
  • Gupton, Herbert
  • Hall, Robert G.
  • Hanbury, Raymond F
  • Hanson, Philip G.
  • Hargrove, David S.
  • Heil, John
  • Heilbrun, Kirk
  • Hunter, Richard H.
  • Hutzell, Robert R.
  • Hye, Leon A.
  • Inwald, Robin E.
  • Iwamasa, Gayle Y.
  • Johnson, Dale L.
  • Keane, Terence M.
  • Kelty, Miriam F.
  • Kerns, Robert D.
  • Kirkhart, Karen E.
  • Klauck, Kenneth A.
  • Klee, Anne
  • Krieshok, Peggy Hineline
  • LaGana, Christine M.
  • Larsen, Kathie G.
  • Lemle, Russell B.
  • Levine, Jacob
  • Lyn, Tamara S.
  • Mahoney, Stanley C.
  • McNamara, Kathleen M.
  • Melton, Gary B.
  • Meltzoff, Julian
  • Michael Monti, Peter
  • Mills, Jeremy F.
  • Moore, Dana L.
  • Morgan, Robert D.
  • Munley, Patrick H.
  • Neigher, William D.
  • Nightingale, Edmund J.
  • Pacht, Asher R.
  • Patterson, Judith E.
  • Paul, Gordon L.
  • Peck, Cecil P.
  • Penk, Walter E.
  • Ponce, Allison
  • Powell, Barbara J.
  • Rasmussen, John E.
  • Richardson, Linda
  • Risch, Frank
  • Robinowitz, Ralph
  • Sadow, Dolly C.
  • Safarjan, Bill
  • Sales, Bruce D.
  • Schofield, William
  • Smith, Nick L.
  • Stamm, B. Hudnall
  • Stenge, Charles A.
  • Tolan, Patrick H.
  • Tsai, Jack
  • Ubben, Matthew
  • Varghese, Femina P
  • Wiens, Arthur N.
  • Woody, Robert H.
  • Zeiss, Antonette M.
  • Zeiss, Robert A.