APA 2023 was a huge success for Division 18! First and foremost, we thank our wonderful convention program co-chairs, Drs. Kate Morris and Savannah LeBarre for organizing over 25 hours of innovative public service programming! Serving in this role is a huge commitment that requires a ton of patience and organization, but it’s one of the most important.
Our Diversity Committee social hour celebrating the 50th anniversary of the APA Committee on Women in Psychology
“You Belong Here” was President Thema Bryant’s theme for this year’s convention, and Division 18 was no exception. Beyond official convention programming exemplifying how public service psychologists belong, our hospitality suite was buzzing with activity, conversation, networking, and food! So much food. Our Section for Community and State Hospitals hosted a coffee and yoga wellness break featuring the local DC studio, Flow Yoga Center. And let’s not forget about our special event with investigative journalist, Alisa Roth, who spoke about her intimate journey learning about the struggles of those with serious mental illnesses in our carceral systems. Other exciting and impactful presentations focused on topics such as Veteran Affairs and Department of Defense clinical practice guidelines for managing major depressive disorder, using implementation science to advance suicide prevention strategies, and better understanding and promoting the well-being of Black women survivors of trauma in public hospitals.
Two-thirds of our presidential trio, Drs. Batastini and Armstrong, wandering around in the grand convention hall.
In addition to sharing knowledge and ideas, convention is a time for the Division to showcase our accomplishments. In our annual business meeting, then-President Dr. Ashley Batastini highlighted the 6.2% increase in membership since 2020, our robust budget (many thanks to the popularity of our journal!), the expansion of student involvement across Division sectors, the ratification of a revised set of bylaws, the approval of a new policy for free Division memberships to sections to increase diverse representation, enhanced social media presence, and the creation of an interdivisional webinar series. We also gave a big thank you to immediate past-President, Dr. Tiffanie Fennell, for her service on the presidential trio and welcomed our current President, Dr. Tallie Armstrong and President-elect, Dr. Gayle Iwamasa. Many other outstanding members also rotated into and out of leadership positions across the Division. The business meeting concluded with an awards ceremony honoring an incredibly impressive group with an undeniable dedication to public service.
Showing off our new swag!
Pop by the 2024 social hour and try your luck at winning one of these cool tumblers or other prizes!This year also served as a rebranding moment for the Division with the reveal of our new logo and a new network of email addresses for our leadership team to accompany the launch of our brand-new website. We had a ton of fun raffling off Division-branded swag at our social hour!
Mark your calendars for August 8th-10th and be sure to join us next year in Seattle!