Division Awards

Harold M. Hildreth Distinguished Public Service Award

Harold Hildreth was a division president in 1958 and an APA council member. He was described by those who knew him as an extraordinary leader. Upon his death in 1965, the division established an annual award for outstanding public service to the public in his memory.

Lorraine Williams Greene Award for Social Justice

Lorraine Williams Greene was dedicated to preventing voter suppression and was an advocate for African American male youth through local initiatives and national events, spearheaded by a number of national women’s organizations.

Michael S. Neale Award

This award is presented to an individual whose commitment to serving individuals with serious mental illness is demonstrated in a body of work expressed through advocacy, research, program development, and/or service delivery.

Peter J.N. Linnerooth National Service Award

In remembrance of Peter J.N. Linnerooth who worked for the U.S. Army and Veterans Administration as a psychologist, this award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding clinical or research contributions in the areas of suicide prevention, posttraumatic stress disorder, or provider burnout related to working with active duty military and veterans.

Psychologists in Public Service Distinguished Career Award

The Distinguished Career Award recognizes psychologists who have made outstanding contributions to public service of underserved populations through research, teaching, program development, and/or clinical practice.

Psychologists in Public Service Early Career Achievement Award

This award is for an early career psychologist who demonstrates exemplary commitment to public service psychology with a focus on underserved populations.

Psychologists in Public Service Student Award

This award is for a graduate student and member of Div. 18 who demonstrates exemplary commitment to public service psychology and underserved populations.

Psychologists in Public Service Wayfinder Award

This award recognizes an individual’s work in service to a Native American community.

Robert W. Goldberg Leadership in Education Award

This award honors an outstanding educator whose work has enhanced the field of public service psychology.

Patrick H. DeLeon Best Paper Award in Psychological Services

This award is given in honor of former APA President Patrick H. DeLeon, PhD, JD, MPH, in acknowledgment of his contributions to public service psychology.