Patrick H. DeLeon Best Paper Award in Psychological Services


The Division 18 Patrick H. DeLeon Best Paper Award for Psychological Services is given annually to the most outstanding published article in Division 18’s peer-reviewed journal, Psychological Services, that makes a major contribution to public service psychology and best represents Division 18’s values of serving underserved populations in diverse settings, for the public good.


All papers are read and scored on the following criteria:

  • The paper focuses on public service populations or settings of Division 18 (veterans affairs, criminal justice, community and state hospitals, police and public safety, seriously mentally ill/severely emotionally disturbed, and Indian country).
  • The paper embodies the goal of Division 18, psychology improving the public good.
  • The paper makes a major contribution to public service psychology in the areas of research, practice, and /or public health policy/perspective.
  • The paper addresses an important research question, practice implementation or public policy/perspective with potential for high impact on the field of public service psychology.
  • The paper applies rigorous research methodology, well designed practice implementation or well documented and scholarly supported public health policy/perspective.
  • The paper thoroughly and critically examines any findings, results, and outcomes and arrives at well-supported conclusions and directions for future work in public service psychology.
  • The paper has practical, applicable impact for clinicians.