Bylaws of the Community and State Hospital Section

Article 1
Name and Purpose

  • 1. The name of this organization shall be “Community and State Hospital Section” of the Division of Psychologists in Public Service (Division 18) of the American Psychological Association.

    2. The members of the Division are principally involved in public service through their common responsibilities to carry out programs that are publicly legislated, publicly funded, and accountable to the public.

    (a) As psychologists, we share these missions common to all organized groups of psychologists to:

    (1) provide a forum for psychological information exchange,

    (2) develop psychological knowledge through research,

    (3) communicate psychological knowledge through education and training,

    (4) apply psychological knowledge through services to the public,

    (5) develop and maintain standards, and

    (6) advance psychology and psychologists in the public interest.

    (b) As psychologists in the public service in community and State hospital settings, we have specific additional missions to:

    (1) Promote the ability of psychologists to serve the public interests in community and State hospital settings,

    (2) communicate within the American Psychological Association about professional issues and programs in the public interest in community and State hospital settings that concern all psychologists,

    (3) study the psychological effects of public policies on various sectors of the public as well as on individuals in community and State hospital settings,

    (4) use psychological knowledge to develop and implement public policies in the public interest in community and State hospital settings, and

    (5) serve as advocates of the public and for psychologists in community and State hospital settings with complex and sometimes frustrating bureaucracies by assisting the latter to understand psychological implications of their procedures and means of becoming more responsive to the public interest.

Article 2

1. Introduction

(a) Membership in the in the Community and State Hospital Section Division of Psychologists in Public Service of the American Psychological Association shall be limited to persons who at the time of application for membership, are actively interested in the application or study of psychology in pubic service. Voting membership of the Community and State Hospital Section Division, shall consist of three classes: Fellows, Members, and Associates. The Community and State Hospital Section also accepts two categories of non-voting members: Student Members of APA, and Affiliates who are not members of the Association.

(c) On all matters calling for action by the membership of the Community and State Hospital Section Division, voting eligibility shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws of the American Psychological Association and Division 18.

2. Members, Associates, Students and Affiliates

(a) Members and Associates must meet the minimum standards prescribed by the American Psychological Association.

(b) New Members and Associates of the Division who are elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors upon nomination by the Membership Committee shall automatically be Members and Associates of the Community and State Hospital Section upon self-declaration according to the rules and procedures of Division 18.

(c) Students who are non-voting member of Division 18 and elected by a majority vote of the Board of Directors upon nomination by the Membership Committee shall automatically be Members and Associates of the Community and State Hospital Section upon self-declaration according to the rules and procedures of Division 18.

(d) Names of individuals interested in affiliating with the Community and State Hospital Section of Division 18 who have been elected by a majority vote of Division 18 Board of Directors upon nomination by the Membership Committee shall automatically be Members and Associates of the Community and State Hospital Section upon selfdeclaration according to the rules and procedures of Division 18.

3. Fellows

(a) Fellows shall be characterized by outstanding contribution or performance in the field of public service.

(b) Fellows must meet the minimum standards prescribed for Fellows of the American Psychological Association. Fellows of the American Psychological Association, and qualified Members with one year’s membership in the Division of Psychologists in Public Service, are eligible for nomination as Fellows of the Community and State Hospital Section of the Division of Psychologists in Public Service.

(c) Upon notification to the Division of election by the APA, successful applicants will become Fellows of the APA in the Community and State Hospital Section of Division of Psychologists in Public Service.